Adolescent Acne: Causes and Treatment

The problem of acne is very common not only among teenagers but people of all ages. When hair follicles plugged due to excess sebum and dead skin cells, the skin faces the condition of clogged pores that gives birth to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and acne. Acne is the most disgusting skin issue as it can be persistent and cause stubborn scars on the skin. If you are suffering from severe issues of acne, instead of wading through self-remedies and myths, consult a Dermatologist in Mumbai before your emotional distress makes the acne condition even worse. Types of Acne The types of Acne include Inflammatory and non-Inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne is further divided into Hormonal, cystic and stress-induced acne. Post-Adolescent Acne or Adult acne is a condition that is featured by all types of inflammatory acne and mostly occurs after one completes the age of 25. Causes of Post-Adolescent Acne The most common reason tha...